Life Coaching and ADHD Coaching
Life Coaches and ADHD Coaches work with a wide range of clients and offer a highly personalized approach tailored to each individual. In a supportive atmosphere, clients attain the professional and personal growth they’re striving for.
Sessions are offered in both in-person and on the phone. Sessions start with an initial assessment to define short and long term goals and then explore areas of your life where you want achieve a greater level of satisfaction. This information is used as a foundation to create strategies for attaining these objectives.
As Client and Coach we will work together on:
Discovering Your Strengths
Personal Growth
Achieving Balance
Confidence & Personal Power
Professional Development
Communication Skills
Identifying Financial Goals and Your relationship to money
As ADHD Client and Coach we will work on all of the above areas with special attention paid to:
Understanding what ADHD really is
Strategies for School and Workplace Success
How realtionships are affected by ADHD
Organization & Productivity
Working with co-ocurring issues such as Learning Disabilities, ODD, Anxiety, Depression, OCD and Tourettes
Busting Chaos and restoring sanity to our homes
60 minute Coaching Session - $80