Chiropractic care focuses on the proper alignment of the spine and other joints of the body. The spine is your body’s central structure, providing support and mobility. Chiropractors adjust joints that have become restricted by injuries or continuous stress.
Orthotics work by changing the way your foot absorbs forces when you walk and act to correct the abnormal biomechanics in the foot.
Physiotherapists work with many different kinds of injuries and aid in the body’s healing process to help you get back to optimal function. Sports injuries, physical trauma, repetitive strain injuries and more.
Lymphedema occurs when your body is not able to effectively drain or move lymph fluid out of an area of the body. Decongestive therapy for Lymphedema includes manual lymphatic drainage, compression, exercise and skin care.
Osteopathy is a non-invasive manual therapy that focuses on the joints, muscles and spine. Treatment aims to improve health across all body systems by manipulating and strengthening the musculoskeletal framework.
Massage Therapy is the physical manipulation of your body’s soft tissues to reduce tension and pain, improve blood flow, encourage relaxation and more. Massage techniques can vary widely from gentle to more intense.
Acupuncture is a form of traditional Chinese medicine and is done by inserting thin needles into your skin at certain points on your body to influence the energy flow and balance along your energy pathways.
A unique and integrative life caching approach that combines classic coaching methods with heart entered content and the therapeutic benefits of Traditional Chinese Medicine approaches and BodyMind balancing techniques.
BodyTalk sessions are simple, safe and an effective form of balancing therapy that stimulates your body's innate ability to heal itself at all levels -physical, mental, emotional, spiritual. Based on ancient and modern healing methods and principles, BodyTalk uses a variety of non invasive techniques