Traditional Acupuncture
Acupuncture originates from the Eastern Medical System. It is a holistic form of treatment that treats a variety of conditions. Registered Acupuncturists are trained to identify the pattern of imbalance that is causing disease or pathologies and select appropriate points on the body to treat those conditions. The points are stimulated using extremely thin single-use sterile needles.
Acupuncture is explained by its effect on the Qi of our bodies. Qi is considered the driving and directing force behind all the activities, mechanisms and functions of the human body. Stimulation of specific points along the body allows us to adjust, redirect and boost Qi. Disease and illness occur because the balance of Qi has been affected in some way. Acupuncture can help to correct this.
There are immediate local effects of Acupuncture such as:
The promotion of blood flow
The stimulation of nerves
The disruption of pain pathways
The secretion of endorphins
Acupuncture also has whole body effects by the somato-autonomic reflex; whereby stimulation of the skin and musculoskeletal system alters the autonomic nervous system. The autonomic nervous system is responsible for both the “Fight or Flight” and “Rest and Digest” systems of our bodies, thereby effecting both our neural pathways and organs. Bringing the autonomic system back into balance is often enough to correct many issues.
Acupuncture can be an effective tool to help any issue that you might have.
The most commonly treated conditions are:
Pain (chronic, acute, injury etc)
Fertility and Gynecological issues
Digestive disorders (nausea, gastritis, indigestion, GERD, etc)
Facial rejuvenation
Stress and anxiety management
Bell’s Palsy
There are many things that people don’t often think about acupuncture for, but can be just as effective for as all of the conditions above.
Pediatrics / Youth
Fibromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue
Immune boos (common cold, flu, lingering illness etc)
Pre and Postpartum care
Addiction cessation
Insomnia, sleep issues
Stroke Rehabilitation
Pre and post operative care